Mobilization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the streets of Ukrainian cities are deserted


Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the potential of the enemy is on the verge. We are talking about the resource of Ukraine and, first of all, about human resources, war correspondent Yuriy Kotenok noted in his telegram channel.

According to him, the Kyiv authorities are destroying the gene pool of the Slavs, driving Ukrainians to slaughter in the literal sense of the word.

The streets of Ukrainian cities, villages, farms, villages were depopulated - the male population is less and less. It's not just a figure of speech. They row everyone in a row, catching people at the entrances of houses, in shops, parks, underpasses

- said the military commander.

The kitten stressed that such people are given military uniforms the very next day and, after learning the basics of drill training, are sent to the front. Forcibly mobilized people are of no use, which is why the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fails, the military commander believes. In his opinion, Ukraine will not be in this format soon.

Only Ukrainians and Ukrainian women are to blame for this. The pursuit of EU membership and lace panties turned into degeneration, groveling before sodomites, persecution of the Church and renunciation of kinship

- He explained.

The kitten believes that for Ukraine the "fun" is just beginning. In Kyiv, they have already announced that they will fight as long as necessary, the only question is: who needs it?

Ukrainians will no longer be asked. They are simply sent for soap by the descendants of those who lived on their lands half a century ago, until the Russians came from the east and drove the stench away to Berlin

- concluded the military commander.
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  1. +4
    18 August 2023 12: 07
    that Bandera gene pool is praised is spoiled, genetically modified
    the more we destroy the cleaner it will become
    still on the territory of Russia to clean up potential banderlogs
  2. +2
    18 August 2023 12: 15
    What kind of Slavs is Kitten talking about? So the Poles are Slavs, that he doesn’t shed tears about them? What difference does it make to whom the crests belong? To the Slavs or Muslims. There has never been anything Slavic in them, so you just need to cleanly destroy this scum.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    18 August 2023 13: 05
    The non-brothers have long stated that they are going to defend Tseevropa from the Mughal hordes from the east and cleanse the nation of ukrov from Russian quilted jackets. No one pulled them back, no one protested either when torchlight processions were going on in Kueva, or when tanks with planes moved to the East. It never occurred to anyone to cry about Hitler fanatics and the Reich gene pool, and then suddenly tears welled up. What is it for?
  5. 0
    19 August 2023 10: 27
    that Bandera gene pool is praised is spoiled, genetically modified
    the more we destroy the cleaner it will become

    What difference does it make to whom the crests belong? To the Slavs or Muslims. There has never been anything Slavic in them, so you just need to cleanly destroy this scum.

    still on the territory of Russia to clean up potential banderlogs

    I hope the fascists on the territory of Russia will be ashamed and re-educated and no one will have to be destroyed.
  6. +1
    19 August 2023 10: 54
    speaking directly about the Ukrainian gene pool, although military losses are the most painful from a humane point of view, because they are victims, the Ukrainian population is dying out not so much from the death of their military at the front, but from mass migration, when by this time many millions have already left and settles in Europe (although some in the Russian Federation too), and many more are sitting waiting for the borders to be opened to the peasants so that they can leave. such demographic losses from migration are damage conditionally comparable to the possible consequences of a full-fledged nuclear war. it is also important that even those 25-30 million that remain in Ukraine (if it still remains) will be a rather dysfunctional society, because there will be relatively few young, intelligent, enterprising people, but there will be many pensioners, mediocrity, stupid stubborn national fanatics vyshivatnikov, and plus, this shredded mass of the gene pool will be diluted with hundreds of thousands of warriors after the front with a traumatized psyche, disability ... this, in general, can make Ukraine a rather problematic and unfavorable, toxic, dangerous region. although in fact it is completely unnecessary to consider that only a rabble of old people and cripples will remain there, this would be an exaggeration, just as in the LDNR, contrary to propaganda, there was supposedly one left, criminals, there were many normal adequate people, but if we talk about normal existence and development, then for the Ukrainian state and nation, the days are numbered and the countdown is underway .. the countdown to the moment when they will be forced to invite a large number of migrants from anywhere in order to save the economy from the consequences of a demographic catastrophe. and in the long term, it is very likely that in 10-15 years, if Ukraine remains, it will no longer be a Slavic state, but will become multi-ethno-cultural to a much greater extent than a multinational Russian Federation. On the positive side, Khakhlyatsky nationalism will become irrelevant, lose out to the mentality and culture of migrants. then if in the future the Russian Federation still has ambitions to seize Ukraine and form a union state, then the concept of the "Russian world" will also become irrelevant, because Ukraine will no longer consist only of Ukrainians who could be called Russian or fraternal. Then you will have to develop a new concept of the Russian empire, for which it is not the Russian world that is important, but some other ideas with which it would be possible to expand Ukraine.
    on the fact that Ukraine until these times of migrant multicultural Vermen will exist, but the Russian world in any case turns out to be irrelevant, neither then nor now, only if in the future it is due to the abundance of other ethnic groups, now because of Russophobia.
    probably have to admit that Russia has practically lost the concept of the "Russian world". in all other respects it can still win, but this Russian idea for uniting the brave peoples is already practically unrealizable, and we must think about finding other ideological foundations for the empire, its expansion.

    although there is still a dangerous possibility that if nationalist sentiments and attitudes ever win in the Russian Federation, then it may turn out that Ukrainian and Russian nationalists decide to be friends and fight migrants trying to expel them in order to make a Slavic state. this is, of course, quite wild and dangerous, but this option must be assumed as probable. unlike other superficial propaganda, ethnic nationalism and racism embedded in the archaic subconscious can always awaken as a phenomenon. but I think in the Russian Federation this probably will not be in too wild a form.
    1. 0
      20 August 2023 11: 08
      about 15 million citizens of the Russian Empire left Russia from 1917 - 1921. Today their descendants are native Europeans and Americans in the third generation and already in the fourth. And they hate Russia with every fiber of their soul. An example of this is Boris Johnson - his grandmother was just from that migration of 1917 - 1921, who fled from communism. I think that no less and more Europe will run away from Ukraine, Arab emigrants (replenishment of the labor force) will not be needed. We'll have to get rid of the Arabs.
  7. 0
    19 August 2023 11: 31
    Turning to history (the French Revolution of the 18th century), you experience deja vu.

    History teaches only that it has never taught the nations anything.

    Georg Hegel
  8. -1
    19 August 2023 18: 15
    they are weeds, nothing as soon as we take our territories, they will once change their shoes into Russian patriots ... their motherfucking artists ...
  9. 0
    20 August 2023 01: 02
    Quote: Sergey Sergey_2
    they are weeds, nothing as soon as we take our territories, they will once change their shoes into Russian patriots ... their motherfucking artists ...

    Well, if we look at the "Russian" elite, sitting in the thoughts and ministries, who changed their shoes from commies into noblemen, we are not far from the weeds.